Goods allowed with limited civil circulation

Service and civilian weapons (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Special State Protection Service)'

Service and civilian weapons (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Special State Protection Service)'

Explosives (Ministry of Emergency Situations)'

Explosives (Ministry of Emergency Situations)'

Technical means for obtaining confidential information (State Security Service, Special State Protection Service)'

Technical means for obtaining confidential information (State Security Service, Special State Protection Service)'

Radio receivers (Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies)'

Radio receivers (Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies)'

Unmanned aerial vehicles-drones (Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies)'

Unmanned aerial vehicles-drones (Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies)'

Cultural resources (Ministry of Culture)'

Cultural resources (Ministry of Culture)'

Religious literature and materials (State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations)'

Religious literature and materials (State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations)'

Drugs, psychotropic substances with limited civil circulation (Ministry of Internal Affairs)'

Drugs, psychotropic substances with limited civil circulation (Ministry of Internal Affairs)'